Via Aveling Boxer




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Jahressiger Slovenia

Ginevra di Casa Vernice - 3ex in junior Class(12-18).





Campionato dell`Anno Italia BCI

Ginevra di Casa Vernice - ex class

Govani  judge Danilo Giorgio





Special boxer show Russian Boxer Club

Ginevra di Casa Vernice - 2ex in junior Class





Boxer special show in Saratov 

Ginevra di casa Vernice - Best junior,

 1-st in competition of fawn females.






Boxer special show in Chelyabinsk 

Ginevra di casa Vernice - 2ex  in junior Class




Boxer special show in Voroneg judge - Reet Lint

Ginevra di Casa Vernice - Best junior,

1-st in competition of brindle females. 




Boxer special show Atibox  Novi Sad Serbija

Ginevra di Casa Vernice 2ex in junior Class    




Special boxer show in Samara

Forzaroma - Best  female, Best of Breed





Special boxer show Russian Boxer Club

  judge - Rene Pra

 Ginevra di Casa Vernice - best bebi 




judge - Bernard Kafka

Forzaroma - 3ex CC in open class

 Elmonte`S Epplaza-

3ex in working class






 Boxer special show in Saratov

Forzaroma - 1-st in competition of fawn females, Best  female     


Ginevra di Casa Vernice - 1-st in competition of  brindle females.  





Boxer special show in Chelyabinsk judge - Paola Micara Watten

Forzaroma - CW,  Best  female.




Boxer special show Atibox Portugal Lissabon  judge - Pedro Algada

Forzaroma - ex of the junior`s  class.